Flash memory is used where a printer centric solution is required for storing resources. Flash memory is programmable and provides resources directly on the printer to enhance printer speed and to save data transfer bandwidth. TypeHaus flash memory supports both File System Architecture (FSA) mode and ROM mode for formatting the device.
Flash memory devices may be programmed by the end user or TypeHaus. Flash memory offer users, resellers, or OEMs the convenience and value of more printing options (ie. storing electronic forms, custom logos and signatures, secure printing). Our flash memory devices are removable, internal printer products.
TypeHaus offers USB Flash memory to support the latest HP LaserJet printer models. Additionally, Compact Flash (CF) cards are available and may be used with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet models including 2420, 2430, 4250, 4350, 5550, 9040 or 9050 series. For HP printers requiring DIMM Flash, DIMMs can be programmed by the printer in FSA mode or using Needhams EMP-30 / EMP-31 Programmer in ROM mode.
Our HP USB Flash, Compact Flash, and DIMM Flash are specifically designed to be compatible with HP LaserJet printers. If you are using a non-HP printer, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.